学校 学校英文 国家 教育部认证 综合排名 QS THE USN ARWU CWUR WRWU TOP 学位 专业 专业英文 学费(人民币) 学费 货币
奥克兰理工大学 Auckland University of Technology 新西兰 认证 117 =486 201 365 1057 684 100-200 博士 传媒研究(哲学博士) 创意技术(哲学博士) 法学研究型(哲学博士) 工程学、计算机与数学科学(哲学博士) 健康科学(哲学博士) 健康科学博士 教育学(哲学博士) 教育学博士 酒店、旅游与事件(哲学博士) 理学研究型(哲学博士) 毛利与本土发展(哲学博士) 商务与经济学(哲学博士) 社会科学与公共政策(哲学博士) 艺术与设计(哲学博士) 语言与文化(哲学博士) 运动与休闲(哲学博士) Doctor of Education Doctor of Health Science Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Philosophy -Communication Studies Doctor of Philosophy- Education Doctor of Philosophy- Health Science Doctor of Philosophy- Hospitality, Tourism and Events Doctor of Philosophy- Language and Culture Doctor of Philosophy- Sport and Recreation Doctor of Philosophy- Te Ara Poutama: Maori and Indigenous Development Doctor of Philosophy-art and design Doctor of Philosophy-business and Economics Doctor of Philosophy-creative Technologies Doctor of Philosophy-engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences Doctor of Philosophy-science Doctor of Philosophy-social Sciences and Public Policy 18.98 34,500 新加坡元
梅西大学 Massey University 新西兰 认证 120 292 601 556 667 493 100-200 EDU_TYPE_1 初级强化英语证书 高级强化英语证书 预备中级强化英语证书 中高级强化英语证书 中级强化英语证书 Certificate in Advanced Intensive English Certificate in Elementary Intensive English Certificate in Intermediate Intensive English Certificate in Pre-intermediate Intensive English Certificate in Upper Intermediate Intensive English
梅西大学 Massey University 新西兰 认证 120 292 601 556 667 493 100-200 研究生证书/文凭 博物馆研究研究生文凭 传播学研究生深造文凭 蒂雷欧毛利语教学与学习研究生深造文凭 蒂雷欧毛利语研究生深造文凭 高等教育教学硏究生深造证书 工程学研究生深造文凭 工商管理研究生深造证书 工业与组织心理学研究生深造文凭 公共卫生学研究生深造文凭 规划研究生深造文凭 规划研究生深造证书 国际安全研究生深造文凭 国际安全研究生深造证书 国际发展研究生深造文凭 国际发展研究生深造证书 航空学研究生文凭 护理学(研究生深造证书) 护理学研究生文凭 环境管理硏究生深造文凭 环境卫生研究生文凭 会计学深造文凭 家庭发展研究生深造文凭 家庭群体发展研究生深造证书 建筑学研究生深造文凭-工料测量 建筑学研究生深造文凭建錡技术 建筑学研究生深造文凭-建设项目管理 建筑学研究生深造文凭-建筑法 建筑学研究生深造文凭建筑施工 建筑学研究生深造文凭-设备管理 健康服务管理研究生深造文凭 健康科学研究生深造文凭 教学研究生文凭·幼儿敦育 教学研究生文凭初等教育 教学研究生文凭中等教育 教育心理学研究生深造证书 教育学研究生深造文凭-电子学习 教育学研究生深造文凭-辅导与引导 教育学研究生深造文凭-高等教育 教育学研究生深造文凭-教育心理学 教育学研究生深造文凭-毛利研究 教育学研究生深造文凭-文化教育 教育学研究生深造文凭一教学与学习 教育学研究生深造文凭一懃育管理与领导 教育学研究生深造文凭一全纳教育 教育学研究生深造文凭一数学教育 教育学研究生深造文凭-英语作为第二语言教学领导 教育学研究生深造文凭-幼儿研究 教育学研究生深造证书 教育学研究生文凭 教育与发展心理学研究生深造文凭 教育与发展心理学研究生深造证书 康复学研究生深造文凭 科技研究生文凭 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-地理学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-地球科学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-动物科学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-动物学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭化学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭人类营养学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-生理学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-生态学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-生物化学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-生物科学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-物理学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-心理学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭一保护生物学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭一纳米科学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭一农业科学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭一数学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭一统计学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭一土科学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭一微生物学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭一遗传学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-园艺学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭-运动与体育科学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭植物生物学 科学与技术研究生深造文凭植物育种 科学与技术研究生深造证书 科学与技术研究生文凭 科学与技术研究生证书 毛利视觉艺术研究生深造文凭 毛利与本土企业研究生深造文凭 毛利与本土企业研究生深造证书 农业贺易研究生深造证书 认知行为疗法研究生深造文凭 商务研究研究生文凭 商务研究研究生文凭·会计 商务研究研究生文凭-人力资源管理 商务研究研究生文凭一个人理财规划 商学深造文凭 设计研究生深造文凭 设计研究生文凭 社会服务监督研究生深造文凭 社会工作研究生深造文凭 社会工作研究生深造证书 社会门评估研究(研究生深造文凭) 兽医学研究生深造文凭·兽医流行病学 兽医学研究生深造文凭-兽医公共卫生学 特殊教学研究生深造文凭-复杂教育需求 特殊教学研究生深造文凭-盲人就弱视 特殊教学研究生深造文凭-学习与行为 特殊教学研究生深造文凭资优教育 特殊教学研究生深造文凭-自闭症谱系障碍 体育管理研究生深造文凭 文学研究生深造文凭·社会学 文学研究生深造文凭·社会政策 文学研究生深造文凭-地理信息系统 文学研究生深造文凭-地理学 文学研究生深造文凭-防御与安全研究 文学研究生深造文凭-教育学 文学研究生深造文凭-经济学 文学研究生深造文凭-历史 文学研究生深造文凭-毛利研究 文学研究生深造文凭-媒体研究 文学研究生深造文凭-人类学 文学研究生深造文凭-心理学 文学研究生深造文凭一政治学 文学研究生深造文凭-英语 文学研究生深造文凭-哲学 文学研究生深造证书 文学研究生文凭 文学研究生证书·发展研究 文学研究生证书-创意写作 文学研究生证书-地理学 文学研究生证书防御研究 文学研究生证书-古典研究 文学研究生证书-汉语 文学研究生证书-经济学 文学研究生证书-历史 文学研究生证书-毛利研究 文学研究生证书-媒体研究 文学研究生证书-人类学 文学研究生证书-日语 文学研究生证书-社会学 文学研究生证书-数学 文学研究生证书-数育心理学 文学研究生证书-数育学 文学研究生证书-西班牙语 文学研究生证书-戏剧研究 文学研究生证书-心理学 文学研究生证书-新西兰研究 文学研究生证书-亚洲研究 文学研究生证书一安全研究 文学研究生证书一规划研究 文学研究生证书一社会政策 文学研究生证书一统计学 文学研究生证书-英语 文学研究生证书-语言学 文学研究生证书-哲学 文学研究生证书-政治学 物流与供应链管理研究生深造文凭 物流与供应链管理研究生文凭 心理实践研究生深造文凭 新学研究生深造文凭 新学研究研究生文凭 信息科学研究生深造文凭-计算机科学 信息科学研究生深造文凭-软件工程 信息科学研究生深造文凭-信怠技术 信息科学研究生证书 艺术研究生深造文凭 艺术研究生文凭 应急管理研究生深造文凭 应急管理研究生深造证书 应急管理研究生文凭 应急管理研究生证书 应用统计学研究生文凭 应用语言学研究生深造文凭 应用语言学研究生深造证书 英语作为第二语言教学研究生证书 运动与锻炼研究生深造文凭 运动与锻炼研究生深造文凭·体育 运动与锻炼研究生深造文凭・体育管理 运动与锻炼研究生深造文凭一体育教练 运动与锻炼研究生深造文凭运动科学 运动与锻炼研究生深造文凭运动指导与训练 正音与语障治疗研究生深造文凭 正音与语障治疗研究生深造证书 职业健康与安全研究生文凭 质量体系研究生深造文凭 专业教学研究生深造证书 Graduate Certificate in Arts (Educational Psychology) Graduate Certificate in Arts (History, Graduate Certificate in Arts (Linguistics Graduate Certificate in Arts (Mathematics) Graduate Certificate in Arts (Media Studie Graduate Certificate in Arts (New Zealand Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts (Spanish Graduate Certificate in Arts (Statistics Graduate Certificate in Arts (Theatre Studies) Graduate Certificate in Arts Japanese, Graduate Certificate in Arts( Economics) Graduate Certificate in Arts( Education Graduate Certificate in Arts(Asian Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts(Chinese Graduate Certificate in Arts(Classical Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts(Creative Writing) Graduate Certificate in Arts(Defence Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts(Development Studies) Graduate Certificate in Arts(English Graduate Certificate in Arts(Geography, Graduate Certificate in Arts(Maori Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts(Philosophy) Graduate Certificate in Arts(Planning Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts(Politics) Graduate Certificate in Arts(Psycholog Graduate Certificate in Arts(Security Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts(Social Anthropology) Graduate Certificate in Arts(Social Policy Graduate Certificate in Arts(Sociology) Graduate Certificate in Emergency Management Graduate Certificate in Science and Technology Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as an Additional Languag Graduate Diploma in Arts Graduate Diploma in Aviation Graduate Diploma in Business Studies Graduate Diploma in Business Studies( Human Resource Management) Graduate Diploma in Business Studies(Accounting) Graduate Diploma in Business Studies(Personal Financial Planning Graduate Diploma in Desian Graduate Diploma in Emergency Management Graduate Diploma in Environmental Health Graduate Diploma in Fine Arts Graduate Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary) Graduate Diploma of Teaching(Early Childhood Education Graduate Diploma of Teaching(Seconda iploma in Science and Technology Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics Postgraduate Certificate in Arts Postgraduate Certificate in Business Postgraduate Certificate in Education Postgraduate Certificate in Educational and Developmental Psychology Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Psychology Postgraduate Certificate in Emergency Management Postgraduate Certificate in International Development Postgraduate Certificate in International Securit Postgraduate Certificate in Maori and Indigenous Busines Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Postgraduate Certificate in Planning Postgraduate Certificate in Science and Technology Postgraduate Certificate in Social Work Postgraduate Certificate in Specialist Teaching Postgraduate Certificate in Speech and Language Therapy Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching and Learning Postgraduate Certificate in Whanau Development Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy Postgraduate Diploma in Agricommerce Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Defence and Security Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Geographic Information Systems) Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Maori Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Politics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts( History Postgraduate Diploma in Arts(Economics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts(Education Postgraduate Diploma in Arts(Englis Postgraduate Diploma in Arts(Geography Postgraduate Diploma in Arts(Media Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts(Philosophy Postgraduate Diploma in Arts(Psychology) Postgraduate Diploma in Arts(Social Anthropology Postgraduate Diploma in Arts(Social Policy) Postgraduate Diploma in Arts(Sociology Postgraduate Diploma in Busines Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Postgraduate Diploma in Communication Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Postgraduate Diploma in Construction(Building Technology Postgraduate Diploma in Construction(Construction Law Postgraduate Diploma in Construction(Construction Project Management) Postgraduate Diploma in Construction(Facilities Management) Postgraduate Diploma in Construction(Quantity Surveying) Postgraduate Diploma in Desian Postgraduate Diploma in Education Postgraduate Diploma in Education (eachina and Learning Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Educational Administration and Leadership) Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Maori Education Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Tertiary Educatio Postgraduate Diploma in Education( Literacy Education Postgraduate Diploma in Education(Counselling and Guidance Postgraduate Diploma in Education(Early Years) Postgraduate Diploma in Education(Educational Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Education(E-learning) Postgraduate Diploma in Education(Inclusive Education Postgraduate Diploma in Education(Mathematics Education Postgraduate Diploma in Educational and Developmental Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Emergency Management Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Management Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Arts Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science Postgraduate Diploma in Health Service Management Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial/ Organisational Psycholog Postgraduate Diploma in Information Sciences (Information Technology) Postgraduate Diploma in Information Sciences(Computer Science) Postgraduate Diploma in Information Sciences(Software Engineering) Postgraduate Diploma in International Development Postgraduate Diploma in International Security Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism Postgraduate Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Postgraduate Diploma in Maori and Indigenous Business Postgraduate Diploma in Maori Visual Arts Postgraduate Diploma in Museum Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Postgraduate Diploma in Planning Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological Practice Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health Postgraduate Diploma in Quality Systems Postgraduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology (Animal Science) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology (Biochemistry Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology (Chemistry) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology (Microbiology) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology (Statistics Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology (Zoology) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology( Biological Sciences) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology( Horticultural Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Agricultural Science) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Conservation Biology Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Earth Science) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Ecology) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Exercise and Sport Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Genetics Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Geography) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Human Nutrition Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Mathematics Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Nanoscience) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Physics) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Physiology) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Plant Biology Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Plant Breeding) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Psychology) Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology(Soil Science Postgraduate Diploma in Social Sector Evaluation Research Postgraduate Diploma in Social Service Supervision Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching (Gifted and Talented Education Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching( Learning and Behaviour) Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching(Autism Spectrum Disorder) Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching(Blind and Low Vision Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching(Complex Educational Needs Postgraduate Diploma in Speech and Language Therapy Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise (Exercise Science) Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise(Exercise Prescription and Training Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise(Physical Education) Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise(Sport Coaching Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise(Sport Management) Postgraduate Diploma in Sport Management Postgraduate Diploma in Te Reo Maori Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Science(Veterinary Epidemiology) Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Science(Veterinary Public Health) Postgraduate Diploma in Whanau Development raduate Diploma in Applied Statistics raduate Diploma in Information Sciences raduate Diploma in Journalism Studies raduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety raduate Diploma in Technology Te Aho Paerewa The Postgraduate Diploma Maori Medium Teaching and Learning 14.17 25,760 新加坡元
梅西大学 Massey University 新西兰 认证 120 292 601 556 667 493 100-200 预科 大学预科证书 高级学术英语基础证书 农学基础证书 学术英语基础证书 预科证书 Certificate in Foundation Studies Certificate of University Preparation Foundation Certificate in Academic English Foundation Certificate in Advanced Academic English Foundation Certificate in Agriculture 11.65 21,180 新加坡元
梅西大学 Massey University 新西兰 认证 120 292 601 556 667 493 100-200 证书/专科 传播学文凭 公共健康学证书 航空研究 教育支持工作者文凭 科学与技术文凭 科学与技术证书 农学文凭 人类发展文凭 肉类技术文凭 商务研究文凭 商务研究证书 视觉艺术文凭 视觉艺术证书 太平洋发展证书 文学文凭·地理学 文学文凭·环境研究 文学文凭·社会政策 文学文凭-创意写作 文学文凭发展研究 文学文凭-法语 文学文凭-防御研究 文学文凭-古典研究 文学文凭-规划研究 文学文凭-汉语 文学文凭教育心理学 文学文凭-教育学 文学文凭-经济学 文学文凭-康复研究 文学文凭-历史 文学文凭-毛利研究 文学文凭-毛利语 文学文凭-媒体研究 文学文凭-人类学 文学文凭-日语 文学文凭-社会学 文学文凭-数学 文学文凭统计学 文学文凭西班牙语 文学文凭-戏剧研究 文学文凭-心理学 文学文凭-新西兰研究 文学文凭亚洲研究 文学文凭一安全研究 文学文凭-应急管理 文学文凭英语 文学文凭-语言学 文学文凭哲学 文学文凭-政治学 艺术证书 Certificate in Arts Certificate in Aviation Studies Certificate in Business Studies Certificate in Pacific Development Certificate in Public Health Certificate in Science and Technology Certificate in Visual Arts Diploma for Education Support Workers Diploma in Aariculture Diploma in Arts ( apanese) Diploma in Arts (Asian Studies Diploma in Arts (Maori Studies) Diploma in Arts (Rehabilitation Studies Diploma in Arts (Security Studies) Diploma in Arts (Theatre Studie Diploma in Arts( History Diploma in Arts( Linguistics) Diploma in Arts( Spanish) Diploma in Arts(Chinese Diploma in Arts(Classical Studies Diploma in Arts(Creative Writing) Diploma in Arts(Defence Studies Diploma in Arts(Development Studies Diploma in Arts(Economics Diploma in Arts(Education Diploma in Arts(Educational Psychology Diploma in Arts(Emergency Management Diploma in Arts(English Diploma in Arts(Environmental Studies Diploma in Arts(French Diploma in Arts(Geography) Diploma in Arts(Mathematics Diploma in Arts(Media Studies Diploma in Arts(New Zealand Studies) Diploma in Arts(Philosophy) Diploma in Arts(Planning Studies Diploma in Arts(Politics) Diploma in Arts(Psychology Diploma in Arts(Social Anthropology) Diploma in Arts(Social Policy) Diploma in Arts(Sociology) Diploma in Arts(Statistics Diploma in Arts(Te Reo Maori) Diploma in Business Studies Diploma in Communication Diploma in Human Development Diploma in Meat Technolog Diploma in Science and Technology Diploma in Visual Arts 14.17 25,760 新加坡元
梅西大学 Massey University 新西兰 认证 120 292 601 556 667 493 100-200 本科 安全研究文学学士 传播学荣誉学士 传播学学士表现艺术 传播学学士新学研究 传播学学士营销通信 传播学学士-语言学 创业与创新商学学士 创意媒体制作学士 创意写作文学学士 地理学理学学士 地理学荣誉理学学士 地理学荣誉文学学士 地理学文学学士 地球科学理学学士 地球科学荣誉理学学士 动物科学理学学士 动物科学荣誉理学学士 动物学理学学士 动物学荣誉理学学士 防御研究荣詟文学学士 防御研究文学学士 房地产商学学士 工程学荣誉学士・工程与创新管理 工程学荣誉学士・化学与生物工程 工程学荣誉学士・机电一体化 工程学荣誉学士-电子学和计算机工程 工料测量建筑学士 公关传播学学士 古典研究文学学士 国际商务(商业学士) 海洋生态学理学学士 汉语文学学士 航空管理学士 航空学学士 护理学学士 化学理学学士 化学荣誉理学学士 环境健康健康科学学士 环境科学理学学士 环境硏究文学学士 会计(商业学士) 会计学学士 计算机科学理学学士 计算机科学荣誉理学学士 健康科学学士・心理学 健康科学学士-健康促进 健康科学学士-康复学 健康科学学士-职业安全与健康 健康科学学士-综合人类健康 教育心理学文学学士 教育学荣誉文学学士 教育学文学学士 教育学学士 金融学商学学士 经济学(文学学士) 经济学荣誉文学学士 经济学商学学士 历史文学学士 历史学荣誉文学学士 零售和商业管理学士 毛利视觉艺术学士 毛利研究荣詟文学学士 毛利研究文学学士 毛利语教学学士/毛利教育文凭 媒体研究荣詟文学学士 媒体研究文学学士 纳米科学荣誉理学学士 农业科学理学学士 农业科学荣普理学学士 农业科学学士马类研究 农业科学学士农学 农业科学学士-园艺学 农业贸易学士・食品营销和零售 农业贸易学士-国际农业工商管理 农业贸易学士-毛利农业经济 农业贸易学士农场管理 农业贸易学士农村评估 农业贸易学士农业经济学 人类学文学学士 人类营养学理学学士 人类营养学荣誉理学学士 日语文学学士 商务学士-管理学 商学学士/理学学士 商学学士-人力资源管理与雇佣关系 商业音乐学士 设计荣誉学士·视党传达设计 设计荣誉学士-纺织品设计 设计荣誉学士-工业设计 设计荣誉学士空间设计 设计荣誉学士摄影 设计荣誉学士-时装设计 社会工作学士 社会人类学荣誉文学学士 社会学(文学学士) 社会学荣誉文学学士 社会政策荣誉文学学士 社会政策文学学士 生理学理学学士 生理学荣誉理学学士 生态学理学学士 生态学荣誉理学学士 生物化学理学学士 生物化学荣誉理学学士 生物科学理学学士 生物科学荣誉理学学士 施工管理建筑学士 食品科技荣誉学士・食品加工工程 食品科技荣誉学士-食品技术 市场营销(商业学士) 兽医技术学士 兽医技术学士(含预选) 兽医学学士(含预选) 数据科学理学学士 数学理学学士 数学荣誉理学学士 数学文学学士 体育管理学士 通信管理学士 统计学理学学士 统计学荣詟理学学士 土壤科学荣誉理学学士 微生物学理学学士 微生物学荣詟理学学士 文学学士/理学学士 文学学士/商学士 文学学士-商业心理学 文学学士-统计学 物理理学学士 物理学荣誉理学学士 物流与供应链管理理学学士 西班牙语荣誉文学学士 西班牙语文学学士 媟体硏究传播学学士 心理学(文学学士) 心理学理学学士 心理学荣誉理学学士 心理学荣誉文学学士 信息科学学士-计算机科学 信息科学学士软件工程 信息科学学士-数据科学 信息科学学士信怠技术 信息科学学士信息系统 医学学士 遗传学理学学士 遗传学荣誉理学学士 艺术荣誉学士 应用经济学学士 英语荣誉文学学士 英语文学学士 语言学文学学士 园艺科学荣誉理学学士 运动与锻炼学士・运动指导与训练 运动与锻炼学士一体育 运动与体育科学理学学士 运动与体育科学荣誉理学学士 运动与训练学士 战略交流商学学士 哲学荣誉文学学士 哲学文学学士 正音与语障治疗荣詟学士 政治学荣誉文学学士 政治学文学学士 植物科学理学学士 植物生物学荣詟理学学士 资源与环境规划学士 组织技术管理商学学士 achelor of Arts( Chinese Bachelor of Aaricommerce (Agricultural Economics Bachelor of Accountancy Bachelor of Agricommerce (Food Marketing and Retailing) Bachelor of Agricommerce (Maori Agribusiness Bachelor of Agricommerce (Rural Valuation Bachelor of Agricommerce(Farm Management Bachelor of Agricommerce(International Agribusiness Bachelor of Agriscience( Horticulture) Bachelor of Agriscience(Agriculture) Bachelor of Agriscience(Equine Bachelor of Applied Economics Bachelor of Arts (apanese Bachelor of Arts (Maori Studies Bachelor of Arts (Media Studie Bachelor of Arts (Security Studies Bachelor of Arts( History) Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(Economics Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(Geography) Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(Media Studies Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(Philosophy Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(Psychology) Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(Social Anthropology Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(Social Policy) Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(Sociology) Bachelor of Arts( Linguistics Bachelor of Arts(Business Psychology Bachelor of Arts(Classical Studies Bachelor of Arts(Creative Writing Bachelor of Arts(Defence Studies) Bachelor of Arts(Economics Bachelor of Arts(Education) Bachelor of Arts(Educational Psychology) Bachelor of Arts(English) Bachelor of Arts(Environmental Studies Bachelor of Arts(Geography) Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(Education) Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(English) Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(History) Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(Maori Studies Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(Politics Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(Spanish) Bachelor of Arts(Honours)Defence Studies) Bachelor of Arts(Mathematics Bachelor of Arts(Philosoph Bachelor of Arts(Politics Bachelor of Arts(Psychology) Bachelor of Arts(Social Anthropology Bachelor of Arts(Social Policy) Bachelor of Arts(Sociology) Bachelor of Arts(Spanish Bachelor of Arts(Statistics) Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Busines Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Aviation Bachelor of Aviation Management Bachelor of Business (Accountancy Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management and Employment Relations) Bachelor of Business( International Business) Bachelor of Business(Economic Bachelor of Business(Entrepreneurship and Innovation Bachelor of Business(Finance) Bachelor of Business(Management) Bachelor of Business(Marketing) Bachelor of Business(Organisational Technology Management) Bachelor of Business(Property Bachelor of Business(Strategic Communication Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Commercial Music Bachelor of Communication ( Honours Bachelor of Communication (Marketing Communication Bachelor of Communication (Media Studies Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations) Bachelor of Communication Journalism Studies Bachelor of Communication( Linguistics) Bachelor of Communication(Communication Management Bachelor of Communication(Expressive Arts Bachelor of Construction(Construction Management Bachelor of Construction(Quantity Surveying) Bachelor of Creative Media Production Bachelor of Design with Honours (Industrial Design Bachelor of Design with Honours (Textile Design Bachelor of Design with Honours(Fashion Design) Bachelor of Design with Honours(Photography) Bachelor of Design with Honours(Spatial Design) Bachelor of Design with Honours(Visual Communication Design) Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Mechatronics Bachelor of Engineering with Honours(Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering Bachelor of Engineering with Honours(Electronics and Computer Engineering) Bachelor of Engineering with Honours(Engineering and Innovation Management) Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours Bachelor of Food Technology with Honours (Food Process Engineering) Bachelor of Food Technology with Honours(Food Product Technology) Bachelor of Health Science (Environmental Health) Bachelor of Health Science (Integrated Human Health Bachelor of Health Science( Health Promotion Bachelor of Health Science( Rehabilitation Bachelor of Health Science(Occupational Safety and Healt Bachelor of Health Science(Psychology Bachelor of Information Sciences(Computer Science) Bachelor of Information Sciences(Data Science Bachelor of Information Sciences(Information Systems) Bachelor of Information Sciences(Information Technology Bachelor of Information Sciences(Software Engineering) Bachelor of Maori Visual Arts Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Resource and Environmental Planning Bachelor of Retail and Business Management Bachelor of Science ( Exercise and Sport Science) Bachelor of Science ( Honours)(Psychology) Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Science) Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences Bachelor of Science (Mathematics Bachelor of Science (Microbiology) Bachelor of Science (Physics Bachelor of Science (Statistics Bachelor of Science( Honours)(Agricultural Science Bachelor of Science( Honours)(Biological Sciences) Bachelor of Science( Honours)(Exercise and Sport Science Bachelor of Science( Honours)(Horticultural Science) Bachelor of Science( Honours)(Microbiology) Bachelor of Science( Honours)(Soil Science Bachelor of Science( Honours)(Statistics Bachelor of Science( Logistics and Supply Chain Management Bachelor of Science(Animal Science Bachelor of Science(Biochemistr Bachelor of Science(Chemistry) Bachelor of Science(Computer Science Bachelor of Science(Data Science) Bachelor of Science(Earth Science Bachelor of Science(Ecology) Bachelor of Science(Environmental Science) Bachelor of Science(Genetics Bachelor of Science(Geography) Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Animal Science Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Biochemistr Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Chemistry) Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Computer Science) Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Earth Science Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Ecology) Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Genetics Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Geography) Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Human Nutrition) Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Mathematics Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Nanoscience Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Physics Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Physiology) Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Plant Biology) Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Zoology) Bachelor of Science(Human Nutrition) Bachelor of Science(Marine Ecology) Bachelor of Science(Physiology) Bachelor of Science(Plant Science) Bachelor of Science(Psychology) Bachelor of Science(Zoology) Bachelor of Social Work Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy with Honours Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Bachelor of Sport and Exercise(Exercise Prescription and Training) Bachelor of Sport and Exercise(Physical Education Bachelor of Sport Management Bachelor of Veterinary Science Bachelor of Veterinary Science Pre-selection Bachelor of Veterinary Technology Bachelor of Veterinary Technology Pre-selection Te Aho Tatairangi: Bachelor of Teaching Maori Medium/ Diploma Maori Education 14.17 25,760 新加坡元
梅西大学 Massey University 新西兰 认证 120 292 601 556 667 493 100-200 硕士 保护生物学理学硕士 博物馆研究文学硕士 传播学硕士 创意写作硕士 地理学理学硕士 地理学文学硕士 地球科学理学硕士 动物科学理学硕士 动物学理学硕士 防御与安全研究文学硕士 高级领导力实践硕士 工程学硕士 工程研究硕士·可再生能源系统 工程研究硕士·能源管理 工程研究硕士・电子学和计算机工程 工程研究硕士・机电一体化 工程研究硕士封装工艺 工程研究硕士生命周期管理 公共卫生硕士 供应链管理硕士 管理学硕士 资源管理 管理学硕士(市场营销) 管理学硕士·管理 管理学硕士·国际商务 管理学硕士·金融经济学 管理学硕士·企业发展 管理学硕士-会计 管理学硕士通信管理 管理学硕士卫生管理 管理学硕士银行和金融 国际安全硕士 国际发展硕士 航空学硕士 护理学硕士 化学(理学硕士) 环境管理硕士 计算机科学理学硕士 健康科学硕士·环境卫生 健康科学硕士·康复学 健康科学硕士・心理学 健康科学硕士-毛利健康 健康科学硕士体育训练 教学与学习硕士 教育心理学硕士 教育学硕士·毛利教育 教育学硕士·数学教育 教育学硕士·幼儿研究 教育学硕士・高等教育 教育学硕士电子学习 教育学硕士一教学与学习 教育学硕士英语作为第二语言教学领导 教育学硕士育管理与领导 教育学文学硕士 教育与发展心理学硕士 解析学硕士·健康学 解析学硕士-公共政策 金融学硕士 经济学文学硕士 历史文学硕士 临床心理学硕士 毛利视觉艺术硕士 毛利研究文学硕士 毛利与本土企业硕士 美术硕士 纳米科学理学硕士 农业科学理学硕士 农业贸易硕士 农业硕士 农业硕士·马类研究 农业硕士-农学 农业硕士生命周期管理 农业硕士-园艺学 全纳教育教育学硕士 人类学文学硕士 人类营养学理学硕士 乳业科技硕士 商务研究硕士 姿源管理 商务研究硕士·传播学 商务研究硕士·管理 商务研究硕士·会计 商务研究硕士·金融 商务研究硕士·经济学 商务研究硕士市场营销 商务研究硕士银行 商业分析硕士 设计硕士 社会工作硕士 社会学文学硕士 社会政策文学硕士 生理学理学硕士 生态学理学硕士 生物化学理学硕士 生物学(理学硕士) 施工管理硕士・工料测量 施工管理硕士・设备管理 施工管理硕士・施工项目管理 施工管理硕士建筑法 施工管理硕士-建筑技术 食品安全与质量硕士 食品技术硕士 兽医硕士 兽医学硕士 兽医学研究硕士 兽医学研究硕士·流行病学 兽医学研究硕士·兽医保护医学 兽医学研究硕士·兽医病理学 兽医学研究硕士・兽医公共卫生学 数学(理学硕士) 体育管理硕士 统计学理学硕士 土壤科学理学硕士 微生物学理学硕士 文学教育教育学硕士 物理学理学硕士 西班牙语文学硕士 媟体硏究文学硕士 心理学理学硕士 心理学文学硕士 新学硕士 信息科学硕士·软件工程 信息科学硕士计算机科学 信息科学硕士信怠技术 医学实验室科学理学硕士 遗传学理学硕士 应急管理硕士 应用社会工作硕士 应用统计学硕士 应用语言学硕士 英语文学硕士 营养与饮食理学硕士 园艺学理学硕士 运动与锻炼硕士 运动与锻炼硕士・体育 运动与锻炼硕士・体育管理 运动与锻炼硕士・体育教练 运动与锻炼硕士・运动科学 运动与锻炼硕士・运动指导与训练 运动与体育科学理学硕士 哲学硕士 哲学文学硕士 正音与语障治疗硕士 政治学文学硕士 职业会计与金融硕士 植物生物学理学硕士 植物育种理学硕士 质量体系硕士 专业公共关系硕士 专业教学硕士 咨询服务硏究硕士 资源与环境规划硕士 Master of Aaricommerce Master of Aariculture Master of Aariculture (Horticulture Master of Advanced Leadership Practice Master of Agriculture( Life Cycle Management) Master of Agriculture(Agriculture) Master of Agriculture(Equine Master of Analytics ( Health Master of Analytics(Business Master of Analytics(Public Policy) Master of Applied Linguistics Master of Applied Social Work Master of Applied Statistics Master of Arts (English Master of Arts (Maori Studie. Master of Arts (Spanish) Master of Arts(Defence and Security Studies Master of Arts(Economics Master of Arts(Education) Master of Arts(Geography) Master of Arts(History) Master of Arts(Media Studies Master of Arts(Museum Studies) Master of Arts(Philosophy) Master of Arts(Politics Master of Arts(Psychology) Master of Arts(Social Anthropology) Master of Arts(Social Policy) Master of Arts(Sociology) Master of Aviation Master of Business Studies (Human Resource Management Master of Business Studies( Finance Master of Business Studies(Accountancy Master of Business Studies(Banking) Master of Business Studies(Communication Master of Business Studies(Economics) Master of Business Studies(Management) Master of Business Studies(Marketing) Master of Clinical Psychology Master of Communication Master of Construction (Quantity Surveying Master of Construction(Building Technology Master of Construction(Construction Law Master of Construction(Construction Project Management Master of Construction(Facilities Management Master of Counselling Studies Master of Creative Writing Master of Dairy Science and Technology Master of Desian Master of Education ( Literacy Education Master of Education (Early Years) Master of Education (Educational Administration and Leadership) Master of Education (Inclusive Education Master of Education (Maori Education) Master of Education (Teaching and Learning) Master of Education (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Leadership Master of Education (Tertiary Education Master of Education(E-learning Master of Education(Mathematics Education Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology Master of Educational Psychology Master of Emergency Management Master of Engineering Master of Engineering Studies ( Mechatronics Master of Engineering Studies( Life Cycle Management Master of Engineering Studies( Renewable Energy Systems Master of Engineering Studies(Electronics and Computer Engineering Master of Engineering Studies(Energy Management) Master of Engineering Studies(Packaging Technology Master of Environmental Manaaement Master of Finance Master of Fine Arts Master of Food Safety and Quality Master of Food Technology Master of Health Science (Maori Health) Master of Health Science(Environmental Health) Master of Health Science(Psychology Master of Health Science(Rehabilitation) Master of Health Science(Sport and Exercise Master of Information Sciences (Software Engineering Master of Information Sciences(Computer Science) Master of Information Sciences(Information Technology Master of International Development Master of International Security Master of Journalism Master of Management (Banking and Finance Master of Management(Accountancy) Master of Management(Communication Management Master of Management(Enterprise Development) Master of Management(Financial Economic Master of Management(Health Service Management) Master of Management(Human Resource Management Master of Management(International Business Master of Management(Management) Master of Management(Marketing Master of Maori and Indigenous Business Master of Maori Visual Arts Master of Nursing Master of Philosophy Master of Professional Accountancy and Finance Master of Professional Public Relations Master of Public Health Master of Quality Systems Master of Resource and Environmental Planning Master of Science (Agricultural Science Master of Science (Animal Science Master of Science (Biological Sciences) Master of Science (Exercise and Sport Science) Master of Science (Genetics Master of Science (Human Nutrition Master of Science (Mathematics Master of Science (Medical Labora Master of Science (Microbiology Master of Science (Nutrition and Dietetic Master of Science (Soil Science) Master of Science (Statistics) Master of Science( Chemistry Master of Science( Conservation Biology) Master of Science( Earth Science Master of Science(Biochemistry) Master of Science(Computer Science) Master of Science(Ecology) Master of Science(Geography Master of Science(Horticultural Science Master of Science(Nanoscience) Master of Science(Physics Master of Science(Physiology Master of Science(Plant Biology Master of Science(Plant Breeding Master of Science(Psychology) Master of Science(Zoology) Master of Social Work Master of Specialist Teaching Master of Speech and Language Therapy Master of Sport and Exercise Master of Sport and Exercise (Physical Education) Master of Sport and Exercise(Exercise Prescription and Training) Master of Sport and Exercise(Exercise Science Master of Sport and Exercise(Sport Coaching Master of Sport and Exercise(Sport Management) Master of Sport Management Master of Supply Chain Management Master of Teaching and Learning Master of Veterinary Medicine Master of Veterinary Science Master of Veterinary Studies Master of Veterinary Studies(Conservation Veterinary Medicine) Master of Veterinary Studies(Epidemiology) Master of Veterinary Studies(Veterinary Pathology Master of Veterinary Studies(Veterinary Public Health 16.08 29,230 新加坡元
梅西大学 Massey University 新西兰 认证 120 292 601 556 667 493 100-200 博士 临床心理学博士 社会工作博士 哲学博士 Doctor of Clinical Psychology Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Social Work 3.56 6,480 新加坡元
惠灵顿维多利亚大学 Victoria University of Wellington 新西兰 认证 131 =275 501 510 698 1647 100-200 EDU_TYPE_1 英语进修课程 English Proficiency Programme(EPP
惠灵顿维多利亚大学 Victoria University of Wellington 新西兰 认证 131 =275 501 510 698 1647 100-200 研究生证书/文凭 博物馆与遗产实务研究生深造文凭 博物馆与遗产实务研究生深造证书 财务分析研究生深造文凭 产科学研究生深造证书 发展研究研究生深造文凭 法学研究生证书 工商管理(研究生深造文凭) 公共管理研究生深造文凭 公共管理研究生深造证书 公共政策研究生深造文凭 公共政策研究生深造证书 国际关系研究生深造文凭 海洋保护研究生深造证书 护理科学研究生深造文凭 护理科学研究生深造证书 环境设计研究生文凭-建筑史与理论 环境设计研究生文凭-建筑学 环境设计研究生文凭-可持续工程系统 环境设计研究生文凭-室內建筑学 环境设计研究生文凭-项目管理学 环境设计研究生文凭-园林建筑 环境设计研究生证书-建筑史与理论 环境设计研究生证书-建筑学 环境设计研究生证书-可持续工程系统 环境设计研究生证书-室內建筑学 环境设计研究生证书-项目管理学 环境设计研究生证书-园林建笂 环境硏究硏究生文凭 恢复性司法实践硏究生证书 建筑史与理论研究生深造文凭 教学研究生文凭 教学研究生文凭初等教育 教学研究生文凭中等教育 教育心理学实践研究生深造文凭 教育学研究生深造证书 教育学研究生文凭 金融市场分析研究生深造证书 理学研究生深造文凭·石油地球科学 理学研究生深造文凭・化学 理学研究生深造文凭-保护生物学 理学研究生深造文凭-地理 理学研究生深造文凭地球物理学 理学研究生深造文凭-地质学 理学研究生深造文凭-电子计算机系统 理学研究生深造文凭-分子微生物学 理学研究生深造文凭海洋生物学 理学研究生深造文凭金融与保险中的随机过程 理学研究生深造文凭-跨文化心理学 理学研究生深造文凭-生态恢复 理学研究生深造文凭-生态学与生物多样性研究 理学研究生深造文凭-生物技术 理学研究生深造文凭-数学 理学研究生深造文凭统计学 理学研究生深造文凭-物理 理学研究生深造文凭-细胞与分子生物科学 理学研究生深造文凭-心理学 理学研究生深造文凭一法医心理学 理学研究生深造文凭-自然地理学 理学研究生文凭·地理 理学研究生文凭·地质学 理学研究生文凭·发展研究 理学研究生文凭·环境研究 理学研究生文凭·计算机科学 理学研究生文凭·精算学 理学研究生文凭·应用物理学 理学研究生文凭地球物理学-固态地球 理学研究生文凭-电子计算机系统 理学研究生文凭海洋生物学 理学研究生文凭-化学 理学研究生文凭-生态学与生物多样性研究 理学研究生文凭-生物技术 理学研究生文凭数学 理学研究生文凭细胞与分子生物科学 理学研究生文凭心理学 理学研究生文凭一地球物理学-气象学 理学研究生文凭一计算机图形学 理学研究生文凭一生物学 理学研究生文凭一统计学 理学研究生文凭一物理 理学研究生文凭-自然地理学 理学硏究生深造文凭·计算机科学 理学硏究生深造文凭计算机绘图 临床心理学研究生深造文凭 临床研究研究生深造文凭 气象学研究生深造文凭 人口迁移研究研究生深造文凭 人口迁移研究硏究生深造证书 人力资源管理研究生深造文凭 商学研究生文凭-税收 商业研究生文凭-公共管理 商业研究生文凭-公共政策 商业研究生文凭-管理学 商业研究生文凭-国际商务 商业研究生文凭-会计学 商业研究生文凭-金融 商业研究生文凭-人力姿源管理与劳姿关系 商业研究生文凭商法 商业研究生文凭-市场营销 商业研究生文凭信息系统 商业研究生文凭一经济学 商业研究生文凭一旅游管理 商业研究生证书公共政策 商业研究生证书管理学 商业研究生证书-国际贸易 商业研究生证书-会计学 商业研究生证书-人力资源管理与劳姿关系 商业研究生证书商法 商业研究生证书-市场营销 商业研究生证书-税制 商业研究生证书信息系统 商业研究生证书一公共管理 商业研究生证书一金融 商业研究生证书一经济学 商业研究生证书一旅游管理 设计创新研究生文凭-传播设计 设计创新研究生文凭-工业设计 设计创新研究生文凭-交互设计 设计创新研究生文凭-媒体设计 设计创新研究生文凭-社会创新设计 生物医学研究生深造文凭 市场营销研究生深造文凭 文学研究生深造文凭-德语 文学研究生深造文凭-地理 文学研究生深造文凭-电影 文学研究生深造文凭-法语 文学研究生深造文凭-犯罪学 文学研究生深造文凭-古典研究 文学研究生深造文凭-国际关系 文学研究生深造文凭-汉语 文学研究生深造文凭-教育学 文学研究生深造文凭-经济学 文学研究生深造文凭-拉丁语 文学研究生深造文凭-历史 文学研究生深造文凭-逻辑学 文学研究生深造文凭-毛利研究 文学研究生深造文凭-媒体研究 文学研究生深造文凭-日语 文学研究生深造文凭-社会学 文学研究生深造文凭-数学 文学研究生深造文凭-太平洋研究 文学研究生深造文凭-文化人类学 文学研究生深造文凭-西班牙语 文学研究生深造文凭-希腊语 文学研究生深造文凭-戏剧 文学研究生深造文凭-亚洲研究 文学研究生深造文凭-艺术史 文学研究生深造文凭-意大利语 文学研究生深造文凭-音乐 文学研究生深造文凭-英语 文学研究生深造文凭-哲学 文学研究生深造文凭-哲学、政治学与经济学 文学研究生深造文凭-政治科学 文学研究生深造文凭-宗教研究 文学研究生文凭·德语 文学研究生文凭-地理 文学研究生文凭-蒂雷欧毛利语 文学研究生文凭-电影 文学研究生文凭-发展研究 文学研究生文凭-法语 文学研究生文凭-犯罪学 文学研究生文凭-公共政策 文学研究生文凭古典研究 文学研究生文凭-国际关系 文学研究生文凭-汉语 文学研究生文凭经济学 文学研究生文凭拉丁语 文学研究生文凭-历史 文学研究生文凭-毛利人研究 文学研究生文凭毛利资源管理 文学研究生文凭-媒体研究 文学研究生文凭-日语 文学研究生文凭-萨摩亚研究 文学研究生文凭-社会学 文学研究生文凭-数学 文学研究生文凭-数育学 文学研究生文凭数育与心理学 文学研究生文凭-文化人类学 文学研究生文凭-西班牙语 文学研究生文凭-希腊语 文学研究生文凭-戏剧 文学研究生文凭-现代语言研究 文学研究生文凭-心理学 文学研究生文凭亚洲研究 文学研究生文凭一太平洋研究 文学研究生文凭一音乐 文学研究生文凭艺术史 文学研究生文凭-意大利语 文学研究生文凭-英语文学 文学研究生文凭-英语作为第二语言教学 文学研究生文凭-语言学 文学研究生文凭-哲学 文学研究生文凭政治科学 文学研究生文凭-宗教研究 信息管理研究生深造文凭 信息管理硏究生深造证书 信息硏究研究生深造文凭 信息硏究硏究生深造证书 药品发现与开发研究生深造文凭 药品发现与开发研究生深造证书 医疗保健研究生深造文凭 医疗保健研究生深造证书 音乐学(研究生文凭) 音乐研究生深造文凭-音乐表演 音乐研究生深造文凭-作曲/声音艺术 英语作为外语教学研究生证书 战略性硏究(研究生深造文凭) 政治科学研究生深造文凭 专业经济学研究生深造文凭 专业经济学研究生深造证书 姿金管理研究生深造文凭 Graduate Certificate in Designed Environments- Architecture History and Theory Graduate Certificate in Designed Environments- Interior Architecture Graduate Certificate in Designed Environments-architecture Graduate Certificate in Designed Environments-landscape Architecture Graduate Certificate in Designed Environments-project Management Graduate Certificate in Designed Environments-sustainable Engineering Systems Graduate Certificate in Law Graduate Certificate in Restorative Justice Practice Graduate Certificate in TESOL Graduate Diploma in Arts- Art Histo Graduate Diploma in Arts- Education Graduate Diploma in Arts- Education and Psychology Graduate Diploma in Arts- English Literature Graduate Diploma in Arts- French Graduate Diploma in Arts- Maori Resource Management Graduate Diploma in Arts- Media Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts- Modern Language Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts- Samoan Studies/Fa'asamoa Graduate Diploma in Arts- Theatre Graduate Diploma in Arts-asian Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-chinese Graduate Diploma in Arts-classical Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-criminology Graduate Diploma in Arts-cultural Anthropology Graduate Diploma in Arts-development Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-economics Graduate Diploma in Arts-film Graduate Diploma in Arts-geography Graduate Diploma in Arts-german Graduate Diploma in Arts-greek Graduate Diploma in Arts-history Graduate Diploma in Arts-international Relations Graduate Diploma in Arts-italian Graduate Diploma in Arts-japanese Graduate Diploma in Arts-latin Graduate Diploma in Arts-linguistics Graduate Diploma in Arts-maori Studie Graduate Diploma in Arts-mathematics Graduate Diploma in Arts-music Graduate Diploma in Arts-pacific Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-philosoph Graduate Diploma in Arts-political Science Graduate Diploma in Arts-psychology Graduate Diploma in Arts-public Policy Graduate Diploma in Arts-reliaious Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-sociology Graduate Diploma in Arts-spanish Graduate Diploma in Arts-te Reo Maori Graduate Diploma in Arts-teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL Graduate Diploma in Desian Innovation-communication Desian Graduate Diploma in Desian Innovation-industrial Desian Graduate Diploma in Desian Innovation-media Desian Graduate Diploma in Design Innovation- Interaction Design Graduate Diploma in Design Innovation-design for Social Innovation Graduate Diploma in Designed Environments- Interior Architecture Graduate Diploma in Designed Environments- Sustainable Engineering Systems Graduate Diploma in Designed Environments-architecture Graduate Diploma in Designed Environments-architecture History and Theory Graduate Diploma in Designed Environments-landscape Architecture Graduate Diploma in Designed Environments-project Management Graduate Diploma in Musi Graduate Diploma in Science- Actuarial Science Graduate Diploma in Science- Cell and Molecular Bioscience Graduate Diploma in Science- Computer Science Graduate Diploma in Science- Statistics Graduate Diploma in Science-applied Physics Graduate Diploma in Science-biology Graduate Diploma in Science-biotechnology Graduate Diploma in Science-chemistry Graduate Diploma in Science-computer Graphics Graduate Diploma in Science-development Studies Graduate Diploma in Science-ecology and Biodiversity Graduate Diploma in Science-electronic and Computer Systems Graduate Diploma in Science-environmental Studies Graduate Diploma in Science-geography Graduate Diploma in Science-geology Graduate Diploma in Science-geophysics- Meteorology Graduate Diploma in Science-geophysics-solid Earth Graduate Diploma in Science-marine Biology Graduate Diploma in Science-mathematics Graduate Diploma in Science-ph Graduate Diploma in Science-physical Geography Graduate Diploma in Science-psychology Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary) Graduate Diploma of Teaching(ECE) Graduate Diploma of Teaching(Seconda Postgraduate Certificate in Drua Discovery and Development Postgraduate Certificate in Education Postgraduate Certificate in Financial Markets Analysis Postgraduate Certificate in Health Care Postgraduate Certificate in Information Management Postgraduate Certificate in Information Studies Postgraduate Certificate in Marine Conservation Postgraduate Certificate in Midwifery Postgraduate Certificate in Migration Studies Postgraduate Certificate in Museum and Heritage Practice Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Science Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Economics Postgraduate Certificate in Public Management Postgraduate Certificate in Public Policy Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture History and Theory Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- French Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Italian Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Latin Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Maori Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Mathematics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Media Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Music Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Philosophy, Politics and Economics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Theatre Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-art Histor Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-asian Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-chinese Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-classical Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-criminology Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-cultural Anthropology Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-economics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-education Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-enalish Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-film Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-geography Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-german Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-greek Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-history Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-international Relations Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-japanese Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-logic Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-pacific Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-philosophy Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-political Science Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-reliaious Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-sociology Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-spanish Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Science Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Research Postgraduate Diploma in Development Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Drug Discovery and Development Postgraduate Diploma in Education Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Psychology Practice Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Analysis Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management Postgraduate Diploma in Information Management Postgraduate Diploma in Information Studies Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Postgraduate Diploma in Meteorolog Postgraduate Diploma in Migration Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Museum and Heritage Practice Postgraduate Diploma in Music-composition/Sonic Arts Postgraduate Diploma in Music-performance Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Science Postgraduate Diploma in Political Science Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Economics Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management Postgraduate Diploma in Public Policy Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Biotechnology Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Chemistry Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Computer Graphics Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Conservation Biology Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Cross-cultural Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Ecoloaical Restoration Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Ecology and Biodiversity Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Electronic and Computer Systems Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Geography Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Marine Biology Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Molecular Microbiology Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Petroleum Geoscience Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Physics Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Statistics Postgraduate Diploma in Science-cell and Molecular Bioscience Postgraduate Diploma in Science-computer Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science-forensic Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Science-geolod Postgraduate Diploma in Science-geophysics Postgraduate Diploma in Science-mathematics Postgraduate Diploma in Science-physical Geography Postgraduate Diploma in Science-stochastic Processes in Finance and Insurance Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Treasury Management raduate Certificate in Commerce- Management raduate Certificate in Commerce-accounting raduate Certificate in Commerce-commercial Law raduate Certificate in Commerce-economics raduate Certificate in Commerce-finance raduate Certificate in Commerce-human Resource Management and Industrial Relations raduate Certificate in Commerce-information Systems raduate Certificate in Commerce-international Business raduate Certificate in Commerce-marketing raduate Certificate in Commerce-public Management raduate Certificate in Commerce-public Policy raduate Certificate in Commerce-taxation raduate Certificate in Commerce-tourism Management raduate Diploma in Commerce- Commercial Law raduate Diploma in Commerce- International Busines raduate Diploma in Commerce- Management raduate Diploma in Commerce- Public Management raduate Diploma in Commerce -Taxation raduate Diploma in Commerce-accounting raduate Diploma in Commerce-economics raduate Diploma in Commerce-finance raduate Diploma in Commerce-human Resource Management and Industrial Relations raduate Diploma in Commerce-information Systems raduate Diploma in Commerce-marketing raduate Diploma in Commerce-public Policy raduate Diploma in Commerce-tourism Management 14.38 26,150 新加坡元
惠灵顿维多利亚大学 Victoria University of Wellington 新西兰 认证 131 =275 501 510 698 1647 100-200 预科 毛利语文凭 学位前预科课程 预备课程 Foundation Studies Pre-dearee Programmes Tohu Maoritanga programme(Diploma in Maoritanga 9.90 18,000 新加坡元
惠灵顿维多利亚大学 Victoria University of Wellington 新西兰 认证 131 =275 501 510 698 1647 100-200 本科 保护生物学理学荣詟学士 德语文学荣誉学士 德语文学学士 地理理学学士 地理荣誉理学学士 地理文学学士 地球物理学理学荣詟学士 地球物理学理学学士・气象学 地球物理学理学学士-固态地球 地质学理学学士 地质学荣誉理学学士 电影文学荣誉学士 电影文学学士 电子计算机系统理学荣誉学士 电子计算机系统理学学士 发展研究理学学士 发展研究文学学士 法学荣誉学士 法学学士 法语文学学士 犯罪学文学荣誉学士 犯罪学文学学士 分子微生物学理学荣誉学士 工程学荣誉学士·软件工程 工程学荣誉学士・电子与计算机系统工程系 工程学荣誉学士网络安全工程 工程学荣誉学士网络工程 公共政策商业学士 公共政策文学学士 古典研究文学荣詟学士 古典研究文学学士 管理学商业荣詟学士 管理学商业学士 国际关系文学荣誉学士 国际关系文学学士 国际贸易商业学士 海洋生物学理学荣誉学士 海洋生物学理学学士 汉语文学学士 化学理学学士 化学荣誉理学学士 环境科学理学学士 环境研究理学学士 会计学商业荣誉学士 会计学商业学士 计算机科学理学学士 计算机科学荣誉理学学士 计算机图形学理学荣誉学士 计算机图形学理学学士 建筑科学学士·可持续工程系统 建筑科学学士·项目管理学 建筑科学学士项目管理与可持续工程系统 建筑研究学士·室內建筑学 建筑研究学士-建筑史与理论 建筑研究学士-建筑学 建筑研究学士-园林建筑 健康学士-健康促进 健康学士健康软件开发 健康学士-人口健康、政策与服务提供 健康学士卫生心理学 健康学士-医疗信息学 教育文学荣誉学士 教育学文学荣誉学士 教育学文学学士 教育学学士-幼儿教学 教育学与心理学文学学士 金融商业学士 经济学商业学士 经济学文学荣誉学士 经济学文学学士 精算学理学学士 精算学商业学士 拉丁语文学荣誉学士 拉丁语文学学士 历史文学学士 旅游管理荣詟学士 旅游管理学士 毛利人研究文学荣誉学士 毛利研究文学学士 毛利姿源管理文学学士 媒体研究文学学士 媒体硏究文学荣詟学士 人力姿源管理和劳姿关系商业荣誉学士 人力姿源管理与劳姿关系商业学士 日语文学学士 荣誉文学学士・地理 荣誉文学学士・日语 荣誉文学学士法语 荣誉文学学士汉语 荣誉文学学士-历史 荣誉文学学士-数学 荣誉文学学士音乐 荣誉文学学士英语 荣誉文学学士哲学 荣誉文学学士政治科学 萨摩亚研究文学学士 商法商业学士 商业荣誉学士·市场营销 商业荣誉学士-国际商务 商业荣誉学士金融学 商业荣誉学士-经济学 商业荣誉学士信息系统 设计创新学士・传播设计 设计创新学士-工业设计 设计创新学士-交互设计 设计创新学士-媒体设计 设计创新学士-社会创新设计 社会学文学荣誉学士 社会学文学学士 生态学与生物多样性研究理学荣誉学士 生态学与生物多样性研究理学学士 生物技术理学学士 生物技术荣誉理学学士 生物学理学学士 生物医学荣誉学士 生物医学学士・分子药理学与药物化学 生物医学学士分子病理学 生物医学学士人类遗传学 市场营销商业学士 数学理学学士 数学荣誉理学学士 数学文学学士 税收商业学士 太平洋研究文学荣誉学士 太平洋研究文学学士 统计学理学学士 统计学荣詟理学学士 文化人类学文学荣誉学士 文化人类学文学学士 蓊雷欧毛利语文学学士 物理理学学士 物理荣誉理学学士 西班牙语文学荣誉学士 西班牙语文学学士 希腊语文学荣誉学士 希腊语文学学士 戏剧文学荣誉学士 戏剧文学学士 细胞与分子生物科学理学荣誉学士 细胞与分子生物科学理学学士 现代语言研究文学学士 心理学理学学士 心理学荣誉理学学士 心理学文学学士 信息系统商业学士 亚洲研究文学荣誉学士 亚洲研究文学学士 艺术史文学荣誉学士 艺术史文学学士 意大利语文学荣誉学士 意大利语文学学士 音乐荣誉学士·音乐研究 音乐荣誉学士・作曲/声音艺术 音乐荣誉学士-爵士乐表演 音乐荣誉学士-民族音乐学 音乐荣誉学士-音乐学 音乐文学学士 音乐学士-古典音乐表演 音乐学士-爵士 音乐学士-器乐/声乐作品 音乐学士-声音艺术与音乐技术 音乐研究音乐学士 应用物理学理学学士 英国文学文学学士 英语作为第二语言教学文学学士 语言学文学荣誉学士 语言学文学学士 哲学文学学士 政治科学文学学士 自然地理学理学荣誉学士 自然地理学理学学士 宗教研究文学荣詟学士 宗教研究文学学士 Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS)-architecture Bachelor of Architectural Studies(BAS)- Interior Architecture Bachelor of Architectural Studies(BAS)-architecture History and Theory Bachelor of Architectural Studies(BAS)-landscape Architecture Bachelor of Arts (BA Bachelor of Arts (BA)- International Relation Bachelor of Arts (BA)-classical Studies Bachelor of Arts (BA)-criminology Bachelor of Arts (BA)-education Bachelor of Arts (BA)-english Literature Bachelor of Arts (BA)-history Bachelor of Arts (BA)-japanese Bachelor of Arts (BA)-MAORI Resource Management Bachelor of Arts (BA)-psychology Bachelor of Arts (BA)-samoan Studies/Mataupu tau Samoa Bachelor of Arts (BA)-spanish Bachelor of Arts (BA)-TE Reo Maori Bachelor of Arts (BA)-teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Chinese Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Classical Studie Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Film Bachelor of Arts with Honours- French Bachelor of Arts with Honours- German Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Greek Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Histo Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Latin Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Linguistics Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Mathematics Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Music Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Spanish Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Theatre Bachelor of Arts with Honours-art History Bachelor of Arts with Honours-asian Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours-criminology Bachelor of Arts with Honours-cultural Anthropology Bachelor of Arts with Honours-economics Bachelor of Arts with Honours-education Bachelor of Arts with Honours-english Bachelor of Arts with Honours-geography Bachelor of Arts with Honours-international Relation Bachelor of Arts with Honours-italian Bachelor of Arts with Honours-japanese Bachelor of Arts with Honours-maori Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours-media Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours-pacific Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours-philosophy Bachelor of Arts with Honours-political Science Bachelor of Arts with Honours-religious Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours-sociology Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Economics Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Film Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Italian Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Latin Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Mathematics Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Music Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Theatre Bachelor of Arts(BA)-ART History Bachelor of Arts(BA)-ASIAN Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-chinese Bachelor of Arts(BA)-cultural Anthropology Bachelor of Arts(BA)-development Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-education and Psychology Bachelor of Arts(BA)-french Bachelor of Arts(BA)-german Bachelor of Arts(BA)-linguistics Bachelor of Arts(BA)-maori Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-media Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-modern Language Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-pacific Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-philosophy Bachelor of Arts(BA)-political Science Bachelor of Arts(BA)-public Policy Bachelor of Arts(BA)-religious Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-sociology Bachelor of Arts(Honours)in Education (BA(Hons) Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Bbmedsc)-molecular Pathology Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Bbmedsc)-molecular Pharmacology and Medicin Chemistry Bachelor of Biomedical Science(Bbmedsc)- Human Genetics Bachelor of Biomedical Science(Hons) Bachelor of Building Science (BBSC)-proiect Management Bachelor of Building Science(BBSC)- Project Management and Sustainable Engineering Svstems Bachelor of Building Science(BBSC)-sustainable Engineering Systems Bachelor of Commerce (Bcom)- Information Systems Bachelor of Commerce (Bcom)- Marketing Bachelor of Commerce (Bcom)-human Resource Management and Industrial Relations Bachelor of Commerce (Hons)-human Resource Management and Industrial Relations Bachelor of Commerce( Hons)- Information Systems Bachelor of Commerce( Hons)-accounting Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Commercial Law Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Economics Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Finance Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- International Business Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Management Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Public Policy Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Taxation Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)-accounting Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)-actuarial Science Bachelor of Commerce(Hons)- Economics Bachelor of Commerce(Hons)- International Business Bachelor of Commerce(Hons)- Marketing Bachelor of Commerce(Hons)-finance Bachelor of Commerce(Hons)-management Bachelor of Design Innovation (BDD)- Industrial Desigr Bachelor of Design Innovation (BDD)-communication Design Bachelor of Design Innovation(BD)-design for Social Innovation Bachelor of Design Innovation(BDD)-interaction Design Bachelor of Design Innovation(BDD)-media Design Bachelor of Education (Teaching)Early Childhood Bachelor of Engineering with Honours- Network Engineering Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-cybersecurity Engineering Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-electronic and Computer Systems Engineering Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-software Engineering Bachelor of Health- Health Informatics Bachelor of Health- Health Promotion Bachelor of Health -Population Health, Policy and Service Delivery Bachelor of Health-health Psychology Bachelor of Health-health Software Development Bachelor of Laws(Honours Bachelor of Laws(LLB) Bachelor of Music (Bmus)- Instrumental/Vocal Composition Bachelor of Music (Bmus)- Sonic Arts and Music Technology Bachelor of Music (BMUS)-classical Performance Bachelor of Music Hons)-ethnomusicology Bachelor of Music Hons)-musicology Bachelor of Music( Hons)-composition/Sonic Arts Bachelor of Music( Hons)-music Studies Bachelor of Music(Bmus)-JAZZ Bachelor of Music(Bmus)-music Studies Bachelor of Music(Hons)-jazz Performance Bachelor of Science (BSC)- Ecology and Biodiversity Bachelor of Science (BSC)- Physics Bachelor of Science (BSC)-actuarial Science Bachelor of Science (BSC)-cell and Molecular Bioscience Bachelor of Science (BSC)-computer Graphics Bachelor of Science (BSC)-physical Geography Bachelor of Science with Honours- Mathematics Bachelor of Science with Honours rine Biology Bachelor of Science with Honours-biotechnology Bachelor of Science with Honours-cell and Molecular Bioscience Bachelor of Science with Honours-chemistry Bachelor of Science with Honours-computer Graphie Bachelor of Science with Honours-computer Science Bachelor of Science with Honours-conservation Biology Bachelor of Science with Honours-ecology and Biodiversity Bachelor of Science with Honours-electronic and Computer Systems Bachelor of Science with Honours-geography Bachelor of Science with Honours-geology Bachelor of Science with Honours-geophysics Bachelor of Science with Honours-molecular Microbiology Bachelor of Science with Honours-physical Geography Bachelor of Science with Honours-physics Bachelor of Science with Honours-psychology Bachelor of Science(BSC)- Marine Biology Bachelor of Science(BSC)- Mathematics Bachelor of Science(BSC)-applied Physi Bachelor of Science(BSC)-biology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-biotechnology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-chemistry Bachelor of Science(BSC)-computer Science Bachelor of Science(BSC)-development Studies Bachelor of Science(BSC)-electronic and Computer Systems Bachelor of Science(BSC)-environmental Science Bachelor of Science(BSC)-environmental Studies Bachelor of Science(BSC)-geography Bachelor of Science(BSC)-geology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-geophysics-meteorology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-geophysics-solid Earth Bachelor of Science(BSC)-psychology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-statistics Bachelor of Science(Hons)-statistie Bachelor of Tourism Management(BTM Bachelor of Tourism Management(Hons) lor of Arts(BA)-geography 14.38 26,150 新加坡元
惠灵顿维多利亚大学 Victoria University of Wellington 新西兰 认证 131 =275 501 510 698 1647 100-200 硕士 保护生物学硕士 博物馆与遗产研究硕士 博物馆与遗产研究文学硕士 创新与商业化硕士 创意实践艺术硕士 创意实践艺术硕士电影 创意实践艺术硕士设计 创意实践艺术硕士戏剧 创意实践艺术硕士音乐 创意写作文学硕士 德语文学硕士 地理信息科学硕士 地理学文学硕士 第二语言学习与教学文学硕士 电影文学硕士 电子政务硕士 发展研究硕士 法学硕士 法语文学硕士 犯罪学文学硕士 工程实践硕士 工程学硕士(论文型) 工程学硕士(论文型与课程型) 公共管理硕士 公共政策硕士 公共政策文学硕士 古典文学文学硕士 古典文学研究文学硕士 国际关系硕士 国际关系文学硕士 国际贸易硕士 海洋保护硕士 汉语文学硕士 护理科学硕士 环境硏究硕士 计算机科学硕士 建筑学硕士(研究型) 建筑学文学硕士 建筑学专业硕士 健康研究硕士 教学与学习硕士(小学) 教学与学习硕士(中学) 教育心理学硕士 教育学硕士 教育学文学硕士 教育学文学硕士(研究型) 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-地质学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-电子与计算机系统 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-法医心理学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-分子微生物学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-化学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-计算机科学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-计算机图形学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-认知与行为神经科学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-生态恢复 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-生态学与生物多样性研究 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-生物工艺学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-石油地球科学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-数学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-统计学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-心理学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)一地理学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)一地球物理学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)一海洋生物学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-一金融与保险 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)一跨文化心理学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)一-物理学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)一-细胞与分子生物科学 理学硕士(课程型与论文型)-自然地理学 理学硕士(论文型)-地理学 理学硕士(论文型)-地球物理学 理学硕士(论文型)-地质学 理学硕士(论文型)-电子与计算机系统 理学硕士(论文型)-分子微生物学 理学硕士(论文型)-化学 理学硕士(论文型)-计算机科学 理学硕士(论文型)-计算机图形学 理学硕士(论文型)-金融与保险的随机过程 理学硕士(论文型)-跨文化心理学 理学硕士(论文型)-生态恢复 理学硕士(论文型)-生态学与生物多样性研究 理学硕士(论文型)-生物工艺学 理学硕士(论文型)-石油地球科学 理学硕士(论文型)-数学 理学硕士(论文型)-物理学 理学硕士(论文型)-细胞与分子生物科学 理学硕士(论文型)-心理学 理学硕士(论文型)一法医心理学 理学硕士(论文型)一海洋生物学 理学硕士(论文型)一统计学 理学硕士(论文型)-自然地理学 历史文学硕士 临床免疫学硕士 临床研究硕士(研究型) 旅游管理硕士(课程型与研究型) 旅游管理硕士(论文型) 逻辑学文学硕士 毛利研究文学硕士 毛利与本土企业硕士 气象学硕士 全球化管理硕士 全球营销硕士 人口迁移研究硕士 日语文学硕士 软件开发硕士 商业硕士(课程型)-管理学 商业硕士(课程型)-国际商务 商业硕士(课程型)-会计学 商业硕士(课程型)-金融学 商业硕士(课程型)-人力姿源管理与劳姿关系 商业硕士(课程型)市场营销 商业硕士(课程型)一经济学 商业硕士(课程型)一信息系统 商业硕士(论文型)-公共政策 商业硕士(论文型)-管理学 商业硕士(论文型)-国际商务 商业硕士(论文型)-会计学 商业硕士(论文型)-金融学 商业硕士(论文型)-人力资源管理与劳资关系 商业硕士(论文型)-市场营销 商业硕士(论文型)信息系统 商业硕士(论文型)一经济学 设计创新硕士·社会创新设计 设计创新硕士・工业设计 设计创新硕士媒体设计 设计技术硕士 设计研究硕士 社会学理学硕士 社会学文学硕士 社会政策文学硕士 生物医学科学硕士(课程型与论文型) 生物医学科学硕士(论文型) 室內建筑学硕士 数学文学硕士 太平洋研究文学硕士 文化人类学文学硕士 文学翻译研究文学硕士 西班牙语文学硕士 戏剧文学硕士 媟体硏究文学硕士 新西兰研究文学硕士 信息管理硕士 信息研究硕士 亚洲研究文学硕士 药品发现与开发硕士 医疗保健硕士 艺术史文学硕士 意大利语文学硕士 音乐疗法硕士 音乐硕士·表演 音乐硕士-音乐学 音乐硕士-作曲 音乐文学硕士 音乐艺术硕士・作曲/声音艺术 音乐艺术硕士-音乐表演 应用金融学硕士 应用统计学硕士 应用语言学文学硕士 英语文学硕士 英语作为第二语言教学文学硕士 语言学文学硕士 园林建筑学硕士 战略性研究硕士 哲学、政治学与经済学硕士 哲学文学硕士 政治科学硕士 政治科学文学硕士 中学领导硕士 专业会计硕士 专业经济学硕士 专业商务分析硕士 宗教研究文学硕士 Master of Applied Finance Master of Applied Statistics Master of Architecture (by research) Master of Architecture (Professional) Master of Arts- Asian Studies Master of Arts- Classi Master of Arts- Creative Writing Master of Arts- Education Master of Arts- French Master of Arts in Education (by research) Master of Arts- Italian Master of Arts- Logic Master of Arts- Maori Studies Master of Arts- Mathematics Master of Arts- Museum and Heritage Studies Master of Arts- Musi Master of Arts- New Zealand Studies Master of Arts- Pacific Studies Master of Arts- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL Master of Arts- Theatre Master of Arts-applied Linguistics Master of Arts-art History Master of Arts-chinese Master of Arts-classical Studies Master of Arts-criminology Master of Arts-cultural Anthropology Master of Arts-enalish Master of Arts-film Master of Arts-geography Master of Arts-german Master of Arts-history Master of Arts-international Relation Master of Arts-japanese Master of Arts-linquistics Master of Arts-literary Translation Studies Master of Arts-media Studies Master of Arts-philosophy Master of Arts-political Science Master of Arts-public Policy Master of Arts-reliaious Studies Master of Arts-second Language Learning and Teaching Master of Arts-social Policy Master of Arts-sociology Master of Arts-spanish Master of Biomedical Science by coursework and thesis Master of Biomedical Science by thesis Master of Building Science Master of Clinical Immunology Master of Clinical Research (by research Master of Commerce by coursework- International Busines Master of Commerce by coursework- Management Master of Commerce by coursework-accounting Master of Commerce by coursework-economics Master of Commerce by coursework-finance Master of Commerce by coursework-human Resource Management and Industrial Relations Master of Commerce by coursework-information Systems Master of Commerce by coursework-marketing Master of Commerce by thesis- Accounting Master of Commerce by thesis- Economics Master of Commerce by thesis- Finance Master of Commerce by thesis- Information Systems Master of Commerce by thesis- International Business Master of Commerce by thesis- Marketing Master of Commerce by thesis- Public Policy Master of Commerce by thesis-human Resource Management and Industrial Relations Master of Commerce by thesis-management Master of Computer Science Master of Conservation Biology Master of Design Innovation dia Design Master of Design Innovation- Industrial Desian Master of Design Innovation-design for Social Innovation Master of Design Technology Master of Design(by Research) Master of Development Studies Master of Drug Discovery and Developmen Master of Education Master of Educational Psychology Master of e-government Master of Engineering by thesis Master of Engineering by thesis and coursework Master of Engineering Practice Master of Environmental Studies Master of Fine Arts (Creative Practice)-film Master of Fine Arts(Creative Practice Master of Fine Arts(Creative Practice)- Theatre Master of Fine Arts(Creative Practice)-design Master of Fine Arts(Creative Practice)-music Master of Geoaraphic Information Science Master of Global Manaaement Master of Global Marketing Master of Health Care Master of Health Research Master of Information Management Master of Information Studies Master of Innovation and Commercialisation Master of Interior Architecture Master of International Relation Master of International Trade Master of Landscape Architecture Master of Laws Master of Maori and Indigenous Business Master of Marine Conservation Master of Meteorology Master of Migration Studies Master of Museum and Heritage Studies Master of Music Therapy Master of Musical Arts-composition/Sonic Arts Master of Musical Arts-performance Master of Music-composition Master of Music-musicology Master of Music-performance Master of Nursing Science Master of Philosophy, Politics and Economics Master of Political Science Master of Professional Accounting Master of Professional Business Analysis Master of Professional Economics Master of Public Management Master of Public Policy Master of Science by coursework and thesis (MSC)-chemistry Master of Science by coursework and thesis (MSC)-cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience Master of Science by coursework and thesis (MSC)-computer Graphics Master of Science by coursework and thesis (MSC)-computer Science Master of Science by coursework and thesis (MSC)-geology Master of Science by coursework and thesis (MSC)-geophysics Master of Science by coursework and thesis (MSC)-molecular Microbiology Master of Science by coursework and thesis (MSC)-petroleum Geoscience Master of Science by coursework and thesis (MSC)-physics Master of Science by coursework and thesis (MSC)-psychology Master of Science by coursework and thesis (MSC)-statistics Master of Science by coursework and thesis(MSC)- Ecology and Biodiversity Master of Science by coursework and thesis(MSC)-biotechnology Master of Science by coursework and thesis(MSC)-cell and Molecular Bioscience Master of Science by coursework and thesis(MSC)-cross-cultural Psychology Master of Science by coursework and thesis(MSC)-ecological Restoration Master of Science by coursework and thesis(Msc)-electronic and Computer Systems Master of Science by coursework and thesis(MSC)-forensic Psychology Master of Science by coursework and thesis(MSC)-geography Master of Science by coursework and thesis(MSC)-marine Biology Master of Science by coursework and thesis(MSC)-mathematics Master of Science by coursework and thesis(MSC)-physical Geography Master of Science by coursework and thesis(MSC)-stochastic Processes in Finance and nsurance Master of Science by thesis (Msc)- Cell and Molecular Bioscience Master of Science by thesis (Msc)-geology Master of Science by thesis(Msc)- Forensic Psychology Master of Science by thesis(MSC)- Marine Biology Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-biotechnology Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-chemistry Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-computer Graphics Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-computer Science Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-cross-cultural Psychology Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-ecological Restoration Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-ecology and Biodiversit Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-electronic and Computer Systems Master of Science by thesis(Msc)-geography Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-geophysics Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-mathematics Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-molecular Microbiology Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-petroleum Geoscience Master of Science by thesis(Msc)-physical Geography Master of Science by thesis(Msc)-physics Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-psychology Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-statistics Master of Science by thesis(MSC)-stochastic Processes in Finance and Insurance Master of Science in Societ Master of Secondary School Leadership Master of Software Development Master of Strategic Studies Master of Teaching and Learning(Primary Master of Teaching and Learning(Secondary Master of Tourism Management by coursework and research Master of Tourism Management by thesis 15.73 28,600 新加坡元
惠灵顿维多利亚大学 Victoria University of Wellington 新西兰 认证 131 =275 501 510 698 1647 100-200 博士 教育学博士 音乐艺术博士-音乐表演 音乐艺术博士-作曲/声音艺术 哲学博士 Doctor of Education Doctor of Musical Arts-composition/Sonic Arts Doctor of Musical Arts-performance Doctor of Philosophy 0.45 820 新加坡元
怀卡托大学 The University of Waikato 新西兰 认证 137 331 401 804 1113 620 100-200 EDU_TYPE_1 成人英语教学证书 通用英语 学术英语修业证书 英语团体课程 英语语言修业证书 Certificate of Attainment in Academic English(CAAE Certificate of Attainment in English Language(CAEL Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults General English Group Programmes
怀卡托大学 The University of Waikato 新西兰 认证 137 331 401 804 1113 620 100-200 研究生证书/文凭 地理学(研究生文凭) 地理学研究生深造文凭 地理学研究生证书 地理学硏究生深造证书 地球科学(研究生文凭 地球科学研究生深造证书 地球科学研究生文凭 地球科学研究生证书 发展研究研究生深造文凭 发展硏究研究生深造证书 法学(研究生文凭) 法学研究生深造证书 法学研究生证书 国际关系与安全研究研究生深造文凭 国际关系与安全研究研究生深造证书 化学(研究生文凭) 化学研究生深造文凭 化学研究生深造证书 化学研究生证书 环境科学(研究生文凭 环境科学研究生深造文凭 环境科学研究生深造证书 环境科学研究生证书 环境与社会研究生深造文凭 环境与社会研究生深造证书 计算机科学研究生深造文凭 教学(研究生文凭) 教育领导力研究生深造文凭 教育学研究生文凭 教育与社会(研究生文凭) 教育与社会研究生深造文凭 教育与社会研究生深造证书 教育与社会研究生证书 科学技术与环境教育研究生深造文凭 劳动力研究(研究生文凭) 劳动力研究研究生深造文凭 劳动力研究研究生深造证书 劳动力研究研究生证书 历史(研究生文凭) 历史研究生深造文凭 历史研究生深造证书 历史研究生证书 毛利与太平洋发展研究生证书 毛利与太平洋研究(研究生文凭) 女性与性別研究(研究生文凭) 女性与性別研究(研究生证书) 女性与性別研究研究生深造文凭 女性与性別研究研究生深造证书 人口研究(研究生文凭 人口研究(研究生证书) 人口研究与人口统计学研究生深造文凭 人口研究与人口统计学研究生深造证书 人类发展(研究生文凭 人类发展研究生深造文凭 人类发展研究生深造证书 人类发展研究生证书 人类学(研究生文凭) 人类学研究生深造文凭 人类学研究生深造证书 人类学研究生证书 社会工作研究生深造文凭 社会工作研究生深造证书 社会学(研究生文凭) 社会学(研究生证书) 社会学研究生深造文凭 社会学研究生深造证书 社会政策(研究生文凭) 社会政策(研究生证书) 社会政策研究生深造文凭 社会政策研究生深造证书 生物工艺学(研究生文凭) 生物工艺学研究生证书 生物化学(研究生文凭) 生物化学研究生证书 生物科学(研究生文凭) 生物科学研究生深造文凭 生物科学研究生深造证书 生物科学研究生证书 数学(研究生文凭) 数学教育研究生深造文凭 数学研究生深造文凭 数学研究生深造证书 数学研究生证书 统计学(研究生文凭) 统计学(研究生证书) 统计学研究生深造文凭 统计学研究生深造证书 物理(研究生文凭) 物理学研究生深造文凭 物理学硏究生深造证书 物理研究生证书 心理学(研究生文凭) 心理学(研究生证书) 心理学实践研究生深造文凭 心理学研究生深造文凭 心理学研究生深造文凭(临床) 心理学研究生深造证书 争议解决(研究生文凭 政治科学(研究生文凭 政治科学(研究生证书) 政治科学研究生深造文凭 政治科学研究生深造证书 咨询学硏究生深造文凭 咨询硏究生深造证书 Graduate Certificate in Anthropology Graduate Certificate in Biochemistry Graduate Certificate in Education and Society Graduate Certificate in Environmental Sciences Graduate Certificate in Geography Graduate Certificate in History Graduate Certificate in Human Development Graduate Certificate in Labour Studies Graduate Certificate in Law Graduate Certificate in Mathematics Graduate Certificate in Physics Graduate Certificate in Political Science Graduate Certificate in Psychology Graduate Certificate in Social Polic Graduate Certificate in Sociology Graduate Certificate in Statistics Graduate Diploma in Anthropology Graduate Diploma in Biochemistry Graduate Diploma in Dispute Resolution Graduate Diploma in Education and Societ Graduate Diploma in Environmental Sciences Graduate Diploma in Geography Graduate Diploma in History Graduate Diploma in Human Development Graduate Diploma in Labour Studie Graduate Diploma in Law Graduate Diploma in Mathematics Graduate Diploma in Physics Graduate Diploma in Political Science Graduate Diploma in Psychology Graduate Diploma in Social Policy Graduate Diploma in Sociolog Graduate Diploma in Statistics Graduate Diploma of Teaching Postgraduate Certificate in Anthropology Postgraduate Certificate in Biological Sciences Postgraduate Certificate in Chemistr Postgraduate Certificate in Counselling Postgraduate Certificate in Development Studies Postgraduate Certificate in Earth Sciences Postgraduate Certificate in Education and Society Postgraduate Certificate in Environment and Society Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental Sciences Postgraduate Certificate in Geography Postgraduate Certificate in History Postgraduate Certificate in Human Development Postgraduate Certificate in International Relations and Security Studies Postgraduate Certificate in Labour Studies Postgraduate Certificate in Law Postgraduate Certificate in Mathematics Postgraduate Certificate in Physics Postgraduate Certificate in Political Science Postgraduate Certificate in Population Studies and Demography Postgraduate Certificate in Psychology Postgraduate Certificate in Social Policy Postgraduate Certificate in Social Work Postgraduate Certificate in Sociology Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics Postgraduate Certificate in Womens and Gender Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Anthropology Postgraduate Diploma in Biological Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Postgraduate Diploma in Development Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Earth Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in Education Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Societ Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership Postgraduate Diploma in Environment and Society Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in Geography Postgraduate Diploma in History Postgraduate Diploma in Human Development Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations and Security Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Labour Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Law Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics Education Postgraduate Diploma in Physics Postgraduate Diploma in Political Science Postgraduate Diploma in Population Studies and Demography Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (Clinical Postgraduate Diploma in Science, Technology and Environmental Education Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work Postgraduate Diploma in Socioloa Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics Postgraduate Diploma in the Practice of Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Womens and Gender Studies raduate Certificate in Biological Sciences raduate Certificate in Biotechnology raduate Certificate in Chemistry raduate Certificate in Earth Sciences raduate Certificate in Maori and Pacific Development raduate Certificate in Population Studies raduate Certificate in Women's and Gender Studies raduate Diploma in Biological Sciences raduate Diploma in Biotechnology raduate Diploma in Chemistry raduate Diploma in Earth Sciences raduate Diploma in Maori and Pacific Development raduate Diploma in Population Studies raduate Diploma in Womens and Gender Studies 13.43 24,425 新加坡元
怀卡托大学 The University of Waikato 新西兰 认证 137 331 401 804 1113 620 100-200 预科 大学预科证书 预科修业证书 Certificate of Attainment in Foundation Studies(CAFS) Certificate of University Preparation(CUP) 12.10 22,000 新加坡元
怀卡托大学 The University of Waikato 新西兰 认证 137 331 401 804 1113 620 100-200 证书/专科 传播学文凭 传播学证书 法学文凭 法学证书 管理学文凭 管理学证书 环境规划文凭 环境规划证书 教育学文凭 教育学证书 理学文凭 理学证书 旅游文凭 旅游证书 毛利与太平洋发展文凭 毛利与太平洋发展证书 社会科学证书 体育与休闲研究文凭 体育与休闲研究证书 文科文凭 文科证书 Certificate of Arts Certificate of Communication Studies Certificate of Education Certificate of Environmental Planning Certificate of Law Certificate of Management Certificate of Maori and Pacific Development Certificate of Science Certificate of Social Sciences Certificate of Sport and Leisure Studies Certificate of Tourism Diploma of Arts Diploma of Communication Studies Diploma of Education Diploma of Environmental Planning Diploma of Law Diploma Of Management Diploma of Maori and Pacific Development Diploma of Science Diploma of Sport and Leisure Studies Diploma of Tourism
怀卡托大学 The University of Waikato 新西兰 认证 137 331 401 804 1113 620 100-200 本科 材料科学理学学士 地球科学理学学士 法学荣誉学士 法学学士 分子与细胞生物学理学学士 工程学荣誉学士・化学与生物工程 管理研究荣詟学士·金融学 管理研究荣詟学士经济学 管理研究学士与法学学士 化学(理学学士) 环境科学理学学士 计算机科学(理学学士) 计算与数学科学荣誉学士-计算机科学 计算与数学科学荣誉学士-数据分析学 计算与数学科学荣誉学士-数学 健康、运动与人体机能学士・体育发展与指导 教学荣誉学士 教学学士-教学(小学) 教学学士教学(幼儿) 教学学士教学(中学) 教学学士-毛利小学教育 教学学士-毛利中学教学 教学学士与健康、运动与人体机能学士 教学学士与社会科学学士 教学学士与文学学士 教育与社会文学学士 金融商学学士 经济学商学学士 理学荣誉学士·地球科学 理学荣誉学士・计算机科学 理学荣誉学士-化学 理学荣誉学士数据分析学 理学荣誉学士数学 理学荣誉学士一生物科学 理学学士(技术)-地球科学 理学学士(技术)-分子与细胞生物学 理学学士(技术)-化学 理学学士(技术)-环境科学 理学学士(技术)-生态学与生物多样性研究 旅游学士-地理 毛利媒体与传播文学学士 毛利文化研究文学学士 毛利与太平洋发展文学学士 毛利语教学文学学士 毛利语言文学学士 媒体与创意技术学士・毛利媒体与传播 媒体与创意技术学士-创意实践 媒体与创意技术学士屏幕与媒体研究 屏幕与媒体研究文学学士 人类学(文学学士) 荣誉文学学士・地理 荣誉文学学士・日语 荣誉文学学士・心理学 荣誉文学学士法语 荣誉文学学士汉语 荣誉文学学士教育与社会 荣誉文学学士-历史 荣誉文学学士毛利语 荣誉文学学士-人类学 荣誉文学学士-数学 荣誉文学学士-戏刷研究 荣誉文学学士音乐 荣誉文学学士英语 荣誉文学学士哲学 荣誉文学学士政治科学 商学学士-公共关系 商业分析荣詟学士 商业分析学士-经济学 商业分析学士与法学学士 设计学士-传播设计 社会工作学士 社会科学荣誉学士-地理 社会科学荣誉学士-教育研究 社会科学荣誉学士-经济学 社会科学荣誉学士-劳动力研究 社会科学荣誉学士-历史 社会科学荣誉学士-毛利文化研究 社会科学荣誉学士-女性与性别研究 社会科学荣誉学士-人口统计学 社会科学荣誉学士-人类发展 社会科学荣誉学士-人类学 社会科学荣誉学士-社会学 社会科学荣誉学士-社会政策 社会科学荣誉学士-心理学 社会科学荣誉学士-哲学 社会科学荣誉学士-政治科学 社会科学荣誉学士-资源与环境规划 社会科学学士・毛利与太平洋发展 社会科学学士-地理 社会科学学士-经济学 社会科学学士-历史 社会科学学士毛利文化研究 社会科学学士-人口研究 社会科学学士人类发展 社会科学学士人类学 社会科学学士-社会学 社会科学学士-社会政策 社会科学学士-心理学 社会科学学士与法学学士 社会科学学士-语言学 社会科学学士-育与社会 社会科学学士哲学 社会科学学士-政治科学 生态学与生物多样性理学学士 数据分析理学学士 数学(理学学士) 数学文学学士 数字商务商学学士 太平洋与本土研究文学学士 文学学士与法学学士 戏剧研究文学学士 写作研究文学学士 心理学(理学学士) 心理学(文学学士) 哲学(文学学士) 政治科学(文学学士) 宗教学文学学士 Bachelor of Arts- Education and Societ Bachelor of Arts- Maori Language/Te Reo Maori Bachelor of Arts- Maori Media and Communication Bachelor of Arts- Mathemati Bachelor of Arts- Political Science Bachelor of Arts- Screen and Media Studies Bachelor of Arts- Teaching(Matauranga Maori/Maori Medium) Bachelor of Arts- Theatre Studies Bachelor of Arts with a Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Chinese Bachelor of Arts with Honours- French Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Histo Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Mathematics Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Music Bachelor of Arts with Honours- Theatre Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours-anthropology Bachelor of Arts with Honours-education and Society Bachelor of Arts with Honours-english Bachelor of Arts with Honours-geography Bachelor of Arts with Honours-japanese Bachelor of Arts with Honours-maori Language/Te Reo Maoi Bachelor of Arts with Honours-philosophy Bachelor of Arts with Honours-political Science Bachelor of Arts with Honours-psychology Bachelor of Arts- Writing Studies Bachelor of Arts-anthropology Bachelor of Arts-maori and Pacific Development Bachelor of Arts-maori Cultural Studies /Tikanga Mao Bachelor of Arts-pacific and Indigenous Studies Bachelor of Arts-philosoph Bachelor of Arts-psychology Bachelor of Arts-studies in Reliaion Bachelor of Business Analvsis- Economics Bachelor of Business Analysis with a Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Business Analysis with Honours Bachelor of Business-digital Busines Bachelor of Business-economics Bachelor of Business-finance Bachelor of Business-public Relations Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences with Honours-computer Science Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences with Honours-data Analytics Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences with Honours-mathematics Bachelor of Design- Communication Design Bachelor of Engineering with Honours-chemical and Biological Engineering Bachelor of Health, Sport and Human Performance-sport Development and Coaching Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Laws with Honours Bachelor of Management Studies with a Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours- Economics Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours- Finance Bachelor of Media and Creative Technologies-creative Practices Bachelor of Media and Creative Technologies-maori Media and Communication Bachelor of Media and Creative Technologies-screen and Media Studies Bachelor of Science ( Hons)- Chemistry Bachelor of Science (Technology)-ecology and Biodiversity Bachelor of Science (Technology)-molecular and Cellular Biology Bachelor of Science- Chemistry Bachelor of Science- Computer Science Bachelor of Science- Data Analytics Bachelor of Science- Earth Sciences Bachelor of Science- Ecology and Biodiversity Bachelor of Science- Environmental Science Bachelor of Science- Mathematics Bachelor of Science- Molecular and Cellular Biology Bachelor of Science( Hons)- Computer Science Bachelor of Science(Hons)- Mathematics Bachelor of Science(Hons)-biological Sciences Bachelor of Science(Hons)-data Analytics Bachelor of Science(Hons)-earth Sciences Bachelor of Science(Technology)-chemistry Bachelor of Science(Technology)-earth Sciences Bachelor of Science(Technology)-environmental Sciences Bachelor of Science-materials Science Bachelor of Science-psychology Bachelor of Social Sciences- Economics Bachelor of Social Sciences- Education and Society Bachelor of Social Sciences with a Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours- Economics Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours- Education Studies Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours- Labour Studies Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours- Political Science Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours- Women's and Gender Studies Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours-anthropology Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours-demography Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours-geography Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours-history Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours-human Development Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours-maori Cultural Studies/Tikanga Maori Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours-philosophy Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours-psychology Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours-resources and Environmental Planning Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours-social Policy Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours-sociology Bachelor of Social Sciences-anthropology Bachelor of Social Sciences-geography Bachelor of Social Sciences-histor Bachelor of Social Sciences-human Development Bachelor of Social Sciences-linguistics Bachelor of Social Sciences-maori and Pacific Development Bachelor of Social Sciences-maori Cultural Studies/Tikanga Maori Bachelor of Social Sciences-philosophy Bachelor of Social Sciences-political Science Bachelor of Social Sciences-population Studies Bachelor of Social Sciences-psychology Bachelor of Social Sciences-social Policy Bachelor of Social Sciences-sociology Bachelor of Social Work Bachelor of Teaching -Primary Kakano Rua Bachelor of Teaching with a Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Teaching with a Bachelor of Health, Sport and Human Performance Bachelor of Teaching with a Bachelor of Social Sciences Bachelor of Teaching( Honours Bachelor of Teaching-teaching (Early Childhood) Bachelor of Teaching-teaching (Secondary Bachelor of Teaching-teaching(Matauranga Maori/Maori Medium) Bachelor of Teaching-teaching(Primary) Bachelor of Tourism-geography 13.43 24,425 新加坡元
怀卡托大学 The University of Waikato 新西兰 认证 137 331 401 804 1113 620 100-200 硕士 安全与犯罪学硕士 材料与加工理学硕士 残障与全纳研究硕士 地理学文学硕士 地理学哲学硕士 地球科学理学硕士 地球科学哲学硕士 电子学理学硕士 电子学哲学硕士 发展研究哲学硕士 法学硕士 法学哲学硕士 法语文学硕士 法语哲学硕士 分子与细胞生物学理学硕士 工程实践硕士·机械工程 工程实践硕士・材料与加工 工程实践硕士-电子学 工程学硕士 工程学哲学硕士 公共政策社会科学硕士 管理系统哲学硕士 管理研究硕士·管理系统 管理研究硕士·国际管理 管理研究硕士·会计 管理研究硕士·领导力沟通 管理研究硕士·旅游管理 管理研究硕士·农商管理 管理研究硕士·战略管理 管理研究硕士・公共关系 管理研究硕士・管理与可持续性 管理研究硕士・人力资源管理 管理研究硕士金融 管理研究硕士-市场营销 管理硏究硕士·经济学 国际关系与安全研究文学硕士 国际管理哲学硕士 汉语文学硕士 汉语哲学硕士 化学理学硕士 化学哲学硕士 环境规划硕士 环境科学硕士 环境与社会硕士 会计学哲学硕士 计算机科学理学硕士 计算机科学哲学硕士 计算机平面设计硕士 健康、运动与人体机能硕士 健康、运动与人体机能哲学硕士 教学与学习硕士 教育领导学硕士 教育硕士·数育 教育硕士·咨询研究 教育硕士・语言与文学教育 教育硕士-成人学习 教育硕士-科学技术与环境教育 教育硕士-人类发展 教育硕士-数学教育 教育硕士艺术教育 教育学哲学硕士 教育与社会文学硕士 金融哲学硕士 经济学社会科学硕士 经济学哲学硕士 劳动力研究社会科学硕士 劳动力研究哲学硕士 理学硕士(技术)-材料与加工 理学硕士(技术)-地球科学 理学硕士(技术)-电子学 理学硕士(技术)-分子与细胞生物学 理学硕士(技术)-化学 理学硕士(技术)-计算机科学 理学硕士(技术)-生态学与生物多样性研究 理学硕士(技术)-物理 理学硕士(研究型)-材料与加工 理学硕士(研究型)-地球科学 理学硕士(研究型)-电子学 理学硕士(研究型)-分子与细胞生物学 理学硕士(研究型)环境科学 理学硕士(研究型)-计算机科学 理学硕士(研究型)-生态学与生物多样性研究 理学硕士(研究型)-统计学 理学硕士(研究型)-物理学 理学硕士(研究型)-心理学 理学硕士(研究型)一数学 理学研究硕士化学 历史社会科学硕士 历史文学硕士 历史哲学硕士 旅游管理哲学硕士 毛利法/太平洋与本土居民法硕士 毛利媒体与传播文学硕士 毛利文化研究文学硕士 毛利文化研究哲学硕士 毛利与本土企业硕士 毛利与太平洋发展硕士・毛利文化研究 毛利与太平洋发展硕士发展研究 毛利与太平洋发展硕士-毛利语 毛利语文学硕士 媒体与创意技术硕士-创意技术 媒体与创意技术硕士-创造实践 媒体与创意技术硕士-毛利媒体与传播 媒体与创意技术硕士-屏幕与媒体研究 女性与性別研究社会科学硕士 女性与性別研究哲学硕士 屏幕与媒体研究文学硕士 屏幕与媒体研究哲学硕士 人口研究与人口统计学哲学硕士 人口研究哲学硕士 人类学社会科学硕士 人类学文学硕士 人类学哲学硕士 日语文学硕士 日语哲学硕士 商务与管理硕士 社会科学硕士・育与社会 社会科学硕士-地理学 社会科学硕士毛利文化研究 社会科学硕士-人口研究与人口统计学 社会科学硕士人类发展 社会科学硕士-政治科学 社会学社会科学硕士 社会学哲学硕士 社会政策社会科学硕士 社区心理学应用心理学硕士 生态学与生物多样性研究理学硕士 生物科学哲学硕士 市场营销哲学硕士 数学理学硕士 数学文学硕士 数学哲学硕士 数字商业硕士 统计学理学硕士 统计学哲学硕士 网络安全硕士 物理学理学硕士 物理学哲学硕士 戏剧研究文学硕士 戏剧研究哲学硕士 心理学理学硕士 心理学社会科学硕士 心理学文学硕士 心理学哲学硕士 信息技术硕士 行为分析应用心理学硕士 音乐硕士 音乐文学硕士 音乐哲学硕士 应用语言学文学硕士 应用语言学哲学硕士 英语文学硕士 英语哲学硕士 语言学哲学硕士 战略管理哲学硕士 哲学社会科学硕士 哲学文学硕士 哲学哲学硕士 政治科学文学硕士 政治科学哲学硕士 专业会计硕士 专业写作硕士 咨询学硕士 组织心理学应用心理学硕士 Master of Applied Psychology- Behaviour Analysis Master of Applied Psychology- Community Psychology Master of Applied Psychology- Organisational Psychology Master of Arts- French Master of Arts- Mathematics Master of Arts- Musi Master of Arts- Screen and Media Studies Master of Arts- Theatre Studies Master of Arts(Applied)-applied Linguistics Master of Arts-anthropology Master of Arts-chinese Master of Arts-education and Society Master of Arts-enalish Master of Arts-geography Master of Arts-history Master of Arts-international Relations and Security Studies Master of Arts-japanese Master of Arts-maori Cultural Studies/Tikanga Maori Master of Arts-maori Language/Te Reo Maori Master of Arts-maori Media and Communication Master of Arts-philosophy Master of Arts-political Science Master of Arts-psychology Master of Business and Management Master of Computer Graphic Design Master of Counselling Master of Cyber Security Master of Digital Business Master of Disability and Inclusion Studies Master of Education- Arts Education Master of Education -Counselling Studies Master of Education- Education Master of Education- Lanauage and Literacy Education Master of Education- Mathematics Education Master of Education -Science, Technology and Environmental Education Master of Education-adult Learning Master of Educational Leadership Master of Education-human Development Master of Engineering Master of Engineering Practice-electronics Master of Engineering Practice-materials and Processing Master of Engineering Practice-mechanical Engineering Master of Environment and Societ Master of Environmental Planning Master of Environmental Sciences Master of Health, Sport and Human Performance Master of Information lechnology Master of Laws Master of Laws in Maori/Pacific and Indigenous Peoples'law Master of Management Studies- Aaribusiness Master of Management Studies- Human Resource Management Master of Management Studies- International Management Master of Management Studies- Management and Sustainability Master of Management Studies- Marketing Master of Management Studies- Tourism Management Master of Management Studies-accounting Master of Management Studies-economics Master of Management Studies-finance Master of Management Studies-leadership Communication Master of Management Studies-management Systems Master of Management Studies-public Relations Master of Management Studies-strategic Management Master of Maori and Indigenous Business Master of Maori and Pacific Development- Maori Language/Te Reo Maori Master of Maori and Pacific Development-development Studies Master of Maori and Pacific Development-maori Cultural Studies/Tikanga Maori Master of Media and Creative Technologies- Maori Media and Communication Master of Media and Creative Technologies- Screen and Media Studies Master of Media and Creative Technologies-creative Practices Master of Media and Creative Technologies-creative Technologie Master of Music Master of Philosophy - Theatre Studies Master of Philosophy -Accounting Master of Philosophy -Anthropology Master of Philosophy- Applied Linguistics Master of Philosophy -Biological Sciences Master of Philosophy -Chemistry Master of Philosophy -Chinese Master of Philosophy- Computer Science Master of Philosophy -Development Studies Master of Philosophy -Earth Sciences Master of Philosophy -Economics Master of Philosophy -Education Master of Philosophy -Electronics Master of Philosophy -Engineering Master of Philosophy -English Master of Philosophy -Finance Master of Philosophy -French Master of Philosophy -Geography Master of Philosophy- Health, Sport and Human Performance Master of Philosophy -History Master of Philosophy- International Management Master of Philosophy -Japanese Master of Philosophy- Labour Studies Master of Philosophy -Law Master of Philosophy -Linguistics Master of Philosophy -Management Systems Master of Philosophy -Maori Cultural Studies/Tikanga Maori Master of Philosophy- Marketing Master of Philosophy -Mathematics Master of Philosophy -Music Master of Philosophy -Philosophy Master of Philosophy -Physics Master of Philosophy -Population Stud Master of Philosophy- Population Studies and Demography Master of Philosophy -Psychology Master of Philosophy -Screen and Media Studies Master of Philosophy -Statistics Master of Philosophy -Strategic Management Master of Philosophy- Tourism Management Master of Philosophy- Women's and Gender Studies Master of Philosophy-political Science Master of Philosophy-sociology Master of Professional Accounting Master of Professional Writing Master of Science - Ecology and Biodiversity Master of Science ( Research)- Statistics Master of Science (Research)- Earth Sciences Master of Science (Research)- Electronics Master of Science (Research)- Materials and Processing Master of Science (Research)-chemistry Master of Science (Research)-computer Science Master of Science (Research)-ecology and Biodiversit Master of Science (Research)-psychology Master of Science (Technology)-chemistry Master of Science- Earth Sciences Master of Science- Electronics Master of Science- Mathematics Master of Science- Molecular and Cellular Biology Master of Science- Psychology Master of Science- Statistics Master of Science(Research)-environmental Science Master of Science(Research)-mathematics Master of Science(Research)-molecular and Cellular Biology Master of Science(Research)-physics Master of Science(Technology)-computer Science Master of Science(Technology)-earth Sciences Master of Science(Technology)-ecology and Biodiversit Master of Science(Technology)-electronics Master of Science(Technology)-materials and Processing Master of Science(Technology)-molecular and Cellular Biology Master of Science(Technology)-physics Master of Science-chemistry Master of Science-computer Science Master of Science-materials and Processing Master of Science-physics Master of Security and Crime Science Master of Social Sciences- Economics Master of Social Sciences- Labour Studie Master of Social Sciences- Political Science Master of Social Sciences-anthropology Master of Social Sciences-education and Society Master of Social Sciences-geography Master of Social Sciences-history Master of Social Sciences-human Development Master of Social Sciences-maori Cultural Studies/Tikanga Maori Master of Social Sciences-philosoph Master of Social Sciences-population Studies and Demography Master of Social Sciences-psychology Master of Social Sciences-public Policy Master of Social Sciences-social Policy Master of Social Sciences-sociology Master of Social Sciences-women's and Gender Studies Master of Teaching and Learning 16.15 29,370 新加坡元
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